Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Tagged by Ra-1 :)

10 weird things about me bs am not going to write 10 :p

1. a'97ak wa abchee wa a'97ak eb nafs elwagt...!

3. agra el jareda men wara ya3nee abdee mn a5er 9af7aaa...!

5. a7b el fezyaa wa el kemyaaa m3a eny kelsh mo sha6raa fehom ya3nee darajaty zeft...!

7. " EXTRa ICe " addict, a7b akel thalj...! wa aL7en baL3omy e3awrny bs mako faydaaa...!

ya3nee etha kent fe bad mood wa kalit thalj yet'3ayer my mood 180 daraja...!

9. a7b albs ehdom emraga3aaa ya3nee ma fehom tanas8 lawny bs omy ma ter'9aaa ;'S

I Tag San3eTy eL'3aLyaaa :)


san3a_wa_laken said...

nice pic 7adhaa .. mashalla 3lich little big men wain taybeen hal 9iwar

**awel shy wain raqm 2,4,6,8,10 ???
lish skip them ?? :P

1 ) ana ashihd :P l0ol wa ana akoon ma adree shino aswi :P

3)nafs 7alti:P wa lemen aw9il awel el 9af7t ameil :P

5) awal kuwaitya asm3aha tigo0l inhaa ti7b el fizyaa wa el kimyaa :P

7)l0ol ana kil mara ma ar'9aa ta5itheen extra ice :P wa kil mara ta36eeni 6aaf :P bas shino aswi etha hal shy make u happy :P its ok :P

9)3ad hathi 3aki .. ana lama alabs imrg3 ma a6l3 :P

inshalla ra7 aktb el post :)

bas wa a5eren kitbi post :) good job 7abibty :)

LiTTLE BiG said...

San3Ty eL7abebah...

GLad coz eLpic e3jebtch ;D hathee e9oraa mn fLickr :)

I sKip them coz ma a7b el ar8am el zawjeyah :p

1) San3aa geLtlech sheno el password ;D

3) ee 9a7 me 2 amel wa a6awfhom ebser3aa ;p

5)ee a7bhom 3ajeben :D

7) ma a36eech 6aaf bs ena akon meshtahya Extra Ice ;D

9)a7La shay bel denya el emraga3 :D

7ady eStanst lama sheft ench awal comment ;D waiting ur post ;)

a3Temd 3aLich ;)

Ra-1 said...

آنا البرد(آيس كريم) ماقدر يحوش أسناني يعني ما أعضه!
شلون الثلج بعد :/

LiTTLE BiG said...

hi :p kel mn yezefny wa yegolon mo zain bs ana ta3awdt try small ice 6a3mhom 3ajeeb ;D u want to try ?

Seema* said...

this is impressive ..
Geltely T7eBen fezYa o KemYa huh ? :P Mashy !

and OMG .. w9elat 3endekum 7aLat el.thalJ ?kekeke Marra 3alay min GabiL 9ij 9ij shay 3ajeeB ;=]

LiTTLE BiG said...

ee a7bhom ;p

7alat elthalj mn zoman marra :pP~ bs 9ej shay 3ajeeeb ;)

alex said...

It was Colonel George Harvey, then editor of Harper's Weekly , who had started the boom to make Woodrow Wilson albuterol President.. Vardeman's select bextra boarding house.. It is regarded as a motor or secondary activity, the key to the innervation of which is located in the presentations of the ambien Unc.. On the occasion of a consultation a few years ago the subject was an altace intelligent and innocent-looking girl.. He had a fine, manly figure of his evista own.. Indeed, the fading of memories and the flagging of affects, which we are apt to take as self-evident and to explain as a fioricet primary influence of time on the psychic memories, are in reality secondary changes brought about by painstaking work.. Just you phentermine tie them stockin's up an' lemme have 'em.. 'Of course lithium we are happy,' he used to say: 'For you are the gift of the sun I have loved so long and so well.. Politics, I would remark, however, had been regarded skelaxin by Mr.. For instance, he can stay the stimulus by dreaming of a scene which is bactrim absolutely intolerable to him.. The Governor looked at Dennis, who was resplendent on the platform; but Isaacs, to give him his cialis due, shook his head.. If among all the curious, useless, unheard-of phentermine words which may be picked out of the spelling-book, he cannot find one which the scholars have not noticed, he gets the last head down by some quip or catch.. As far as we can normally become conscious of our mental processes, even during the night, in so far we are thyroid not asleep.. I still might ask why in the dream it was spinach carisoprodol that was served up.. Copyright, 1906, by lipitor Harper & Brothers...

alex said...

It was Colonel George Harvey, then editor of Harper's Weekly , who had started the boom to make Woodrow Wilson phentermine President.. Vardeman's select thyroid boarding house.. It is regarded as a motor or secondary activity, the key to the innervation of which is located in the presentations of the cymbalta Unc.. On the occasion of a consultation a few years ago the subject was an coumadin intelligent and innocent-looking girl.. He had a fine, manly figure of his remeron own.. Indeed, the fading of memories and the flagging of affects, which we are apt to take as self-evident and to explain as a thyroid primary influence of time on the psychic memories, are in reality secondary changes brought about by painstaking work.. Just you viagra tie them stockin's up an' lemme have 'em.. 'Of course zocor we are happy,' he used to say: 'For you are the gift of the sun I have loved so long and so well.. Politics, I would remark, however, had been regarded geodon by Mr.. For instance, he can stay the stimulus by dreaming of a scene which is claritin absolutely intolerable to him.. The Governor looked at Dennis, who was resplendent on the platform; but Isaacs, to give him his cialis due, shook his head.. If among all the curious, useless, unheard-of lexapro words which may be picked out of the spelling-book, he cannot find one which the scholars have not noticed, he gets the last head down by some quip or catch.. As far as we can normally become conscious of our mental processes, even during the night, in so far we are allegra not asleep.. I still might ask why in the dream it was spinach ibuprofen that was served up.. Copyright, 1906, by etodolac Harper & Brothers...

alex said...

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...

alex said...

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...

What Will Be , Will Be .. said...

عورني قلبي لما قريت ابجي واضحك بنفس الوقت :_(

بس لون الكتابه عوور عيوني مو واضح

خووش تاق

Kuw_Son said...

ma 3ajabne el color .. kelesh mo mree7 for eyes !!!

very nice and strange things you mentioned :S !!

thanks for commenting in my blog and the condolences

LiTTLE BiG said...

What Will Be , Will Be ..
weLcome to my blog ha shraych bel new look :p
